Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Maia and Henua's Birthdays

March is a busy month for us, we both have a daughter who has a birthday, and they also happened to be best friends :)

Henua wanted a Rapunzel theme, therefore we had lots of cupcakes with flowers, braids and crowns.

Brownie cake pops are a kid's favorite

And everyone loved taking home some favors!!!

Maia has been into caterpillars and butterflies lately, so she chose a butterfly theme.

Vanilla and chocolate cake bites

Some alfajores for the grown ups. The cage is cute and came in handy to keep those little hands away ;)

Butterfly candy pops

The cake was also for the grown ups. It was chocolate and dulce de leche, soaked in Bailey's

Jello butterflies, banana cupcakes and marshmallow pops.

It was lots of fun preparing it and celebrating it. Now we have six more months until our other daughters' celebrations.